
Saturday Jun 29, 2024
The Lost Episode, Show About Nothing
Saturday Jun 29, 2024
Saturday Jun 29, 2024
The Lost Episode, Show About Nothing
Episode 0028
Season 4 Episode 02
Two Likeable Guys are back again in Season Four of the award nominated podcast with a Lost Episode, show about nothing. Although that title is a bit misleading as we do talk about a lot of ideas. We have a segment about dealing with the rising cost of consumer goods with real or funny ways to combat high prices.
This is one of my favorite episodes as it gets to the heart of life, which is laughter and it made me laugh and I think it will put a smile on your face.
We wrap up talking about future shows and all the fun things coming down the pipe line.
Enjoy this Lost Episode, show about nothing and much more!
Contact us at: Twolikeableguys@gmail.com
#lostepisode #nothing #comedy #homedepot #hybrid #looting #inflation
#TwolikeableguysPodcast #Blessed #twolikeableguys #twolikeableguys #welikeyou #redbank #lakesite #soddydaisy #middlevalley #Chattanooga #Hixson #dadjokes #redbankalumni #tennessee #2likeableguys #awardnominated #viewerschoice #finalist #motivational #motivation #success

Tuesday Jan 02, 2024
Link Sparks’ Valentines For Veterans; Operation Love
Tuesday Jan 02, 2024
Tuesday Jan 02, 2024
Two Likeable Guys are back for Season Four of the award nominated podcast with a Red Bank legend and beloved English teacher Linda "Link" Sparks. Link created a program to get hand crafted Valentines cards to honor Veterans, promote Patriotism in local youth, and to build community relationships.
She needs you to get involved! January 20, 2024 and January 27, 2024 from 11AM to 2PM at the Joe Glasscock Community Center. 3620 Tom Weathers Dr. Red Bank, TN 37415.
Link's dedication and passion for Valentines For Veterans; Operation Love is infectious. It is truly a remarkable program to involve school age children to write letters to Veterans and include them in the Valentines cards. Then bring the community together to assemble the cards. To ultimately putting a smile on a Veterans face receiving a Valentine.
Thank you Link Sparks for an entertaining conversation about serving your community and honoring our beloved Veterans on Valentines Day.
Contact us at: Twolikeableguys@gmail.com
#OperationLove #LinkSparks #RedBankLegend #patriotism #communityrelationships #JoeGlasscockCommunityCenter #handcraftedValentines #YouthInvolvement #SmileOnAVeteransFace
#HonoringVeterans #Valentines #ValentinesDay
#TwolikeableguysPodcast #Blessed #two likeable guys #twolikeableguys #welikeyou #redbank #lakesite #soddydaisy #middlevalley #Chattanooga #Hixson #dadjokes #redbankalumni #tennessee #2likeableguys #awardnominated #viewerschoice #finalist #motivational #motivation #success
She needs you to get involved! January 20, 2024 and January 27, 2024 from 11AM to 2PM at the Joe Glasscock Community Center. 3620 Tom Weathers Dr. Red Bank, TN 37415.
Link's dedication and passion for Valentines For Veterans; Operation Love is infectious. It is truly a remarkable program to involve school age children to write letters to Veterans and include them in the Valentines cards. Then bring the community together to assemble the cards. To ultimately putting a smile on a Veterans face receiving a Valentine.
Thank you Link Sparks for an entertaining conversation about serving your community and honoring our beloved Veterans on Valentines Day.
Contact us at: Twolikeableguys@gmail.com
#OperationLove #LinkSparks #RedBankLegend #patriotism #communityrelationships #JoeGlasscockCommunityCenter #handcraftedValentines #YouthInvolvement #SmileOnAVeteransFace
#HonoringVeterans #Valentines #ValentinesDay
#TwolikeableguysPodcast #Blessed #two likeable guys #twolikeableguys #welikeyou #redbank #lakesite #soddydaisy #middlevalley #Chattanooga #Hixson #dadjokes #redbankalumni #tennessee #2likeableguys #awardnominated #viewerschoice #finalist #motivational #motivation #success

Sunday Apr 30, 2023
Zoey Bibs, A New Invention By Melody Karm
Sunday Apr 30, 2023
Sunday Apr 30, 2023
Two Likeable Guys Podcast S3/E1
Zoey Bibs, A New Invention By Melody Karm
Two Likeable Guys kick off Season Three of the award nominated podcast with a dear family friend Melody Karm. Melody has created a bib that may revolutionize baby bibs.
Out of necessity and love she created Zoey Bibs. Named after her adorable daughter Zoey. Designed in her home by trial and error she created a new era of baby bibs that go on the bottle not the baby. Check out the Zoey Bibs Facebook page.
We discuss the creation process of Zoey Bibs and how to never leave mix tapes around Melody.
Listen until the end and the first five will get a special introductory offer code! This is a great deal and we really appreciate Melody and Zoey Bibs giving our listeners an amazing price!
Thank you Zoey Bibs!
Contact us at: Twolikeableguys@gmail.com
#ZoeyBibs #BabyBibs #LifeHack #SharkTank #Bib #AmazingInventions #Gerber #DadJokes #invention #startup #amazingstory #buylocal #missingmixedtape #hairmetal #LarryFleet #BabyHack #Blessed #two likeable guys #twolikeableguys #welikeyou #redbank #lakesite #soddydaisy #middlevalley #Chattanooga #Hixson #dadjokes #redbankalumni #tennessee #2likeableguys #awardnominated #viewerschoice #finalist #motivational #motivation #success

Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
One For The Road Tour featuring Eric Crazy Legs
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
Two Likeable Guys Podcast
Episode 0025
We get the pleasure of talking to Eric "Crazy Legs" Harley-Brown touring bass player with headliner Larry Fleet. Eric gives us behind the scenes perspective of headlining on the "One For The Road" Tour.
Eric's unique on stage style has gained popularity with moves described as "dances like Elvis" and a look as cool as "Richard Petty."
Eric Harley-Brown talks about how he and Larry Fleet are working hard to make an entertaining and memorable show. Even taking advice from the Detroit rockers Kiss.
We also get the inside information on how the crazy legs persona is growing and we go over some online reviews to see what the world is saying about his unique style.
Crazy legs still loves his favorite gear that includes PRS Paul Reed Smith guitars and basses. He reveals the secret to his country-soul-smooth and funky sound with (DNA Amps) David Nordschow Amplification. He gets to explore the stage even more now that he and the band have gone wireless.
Eric "Crazy Legs" Harley-Brown is a down to earth guy living out his dream and we are so grateful that he let us get the behind the scenes look at how he is putting his personal crazy-legs-country-soul mark along side Larry Fleet on the Nashville music industry.
We learn Larry Fleet has some amazing up and coming opening acts that rotate on the tour. Artists like tiktok famous Megan Moroney, Nate Smith, Tyler Booth, and Shelby Darrall. For the record Tyler Booth may is probably not be related to another famous Booth.
See Larry Fleet at The Signal in Chattanooga on Saturday, October 22, 2023.
Find TwoLikeableGuys on Facebook to enter to win two tickets to Larry Fleet in Chattanooga. Listen to the podcast to get extra entries to win two tickets from Two Likeable Guys.
Contact us at: Twolikeableguys@gmail.com
#OneForTheRoad #success #EricHarleyBrown #LarryFleet #EricCrazyLegs #CrazyLegs #Bassist #BassPlayer #StackOfRecords #WhereIFindGod #TheSignal #MeganMoroney #NateSmith #TylerBooth #ShelbyDarrall #DavidNordschowAmplification #PRSGuitars #PaulReedSmith #DNAAmps #LaBellaStrings #BigLoudRecords #Ryman #GrandOleOpry #TheDangerousTour #MorganWallen #KevinMills #Kiss #PaulStanley #DamianYounce #ChristopherRoach #Nashville #amazingstory #two likeable guys #twolikeableguys #welikeyou #redbank #lakesite #soddydaisy #middlevalley #Chattanooga #Hixson #dadjokes #redbankalumni #tennessee #2likeableguys #awardnominated #viewerschoice #finalist #motivational #motivation #success

Saturday Jun 25, 2022
Charles Benns from Chattanooga to Monster Trucks
Saturday Jun 25, 2022
Saturday Jun 25, 2022
Two Likeable Guys Podcast
Episode 0024
Charles Benns from Chattanooga to Monster Trucks
We have an "eye opening" conversation with Charles Benns. We discuss memorable moments from his humble beginnings in Red Bank, TN to driving Monster Trucks on the Monster Jam tour to being a Father and entrepreneur.
We learn and agree growing up in Red Bank teaches us lessons to live by that other parts of the world just don't seem to grasp.
Charles discusses some crazy stories of being a kid, making lifelong friends, being a young D.J., tough trucks, growing up into a larger than life personality driving Monster trucks.
Charles Benns really shows his true colors with heart warming stories of helping kids and being awarded Monster Jams Humanitarian of the Year multiple times during his career.
Finally, we get it out of him as to what it will take to get him back in a Monster Truck. I think it is a great idea!
We have amazing episodes coming up and more great giveaways coming this summer and fall.
Come check in with Two Likeable Guys and we guarantee you will like 100% of what we say 50% of the time or not... Guaranteed!
Contact us at: Twolikeableguys@gmail.com
#fun #success #CharlesBenns #TeamPitbull #MonsterJam #MonsterTrucks #ToughTrucks #LucasOil #ForrestLucas #UNM #LosLobos #WFLI #Albuquerque #NewMexico #PitbullRacing #amazingstory #two likeable guys #twolikeableguys #welikeyou #redbank #lakesite #soddydaisy #middlevalley #Chattanooga #Hixson #dadjokes #redbankalumni #tennessee #2likeableguys #awardnominated #viewerschoice #finalist #motivational #motivation #success

Thursday Jun 02, 2022
Catching Up
Thursday Jun 02, 2022
Thursday Jun 02, 2022
Two Likeable Guys Podcast
Episode 0023
Catching Up
We take a look at how life has treated us in the last year. Road rage issues, eviction, strokes, the dreaded 'vid 19, and thoughts on the moon or the Noom as some would call it.
We have amazing episodes coming up and more great giveaways coming this summer and fall.
Come check in with Two Likeable Guys and we guarantee you will like 100% of what we say 50% of the time or not... Guaranteed!
Contact us at: Twolikeableguys@gmail.com
#fun #success #catchingup #namethemoon #mindscent #roadrage #amazingstory #two likeable guys #twolikeableguys #welikeyou #redbank #lakesite #soddydaisy #middlevalley #Chattanooga #Hixson #dadjokes #redbankalumni #tennessee #2likeableguys #awardnominated #viewerschoice #finalist #motivational #motivation #success

Sunday May 08, 2022
Eric ”Crazy Legs” Harley-Brown
Sunday May 08, 2022
Sunday May 08, 2022
Eric "Crazy Legs" Harley-Brown, Bassist for Larry Fleet
We catch up with our ole high school friend Eric Harley-Brown. He is currently the touring bass player for the rising star Larry Fleet. They are currently touring with Hardy and country superstar Morgan Wallen.
Eric tells us a little about his musical roots and how he started touring at the age of 16. Eric gives us some awesome stories of how he met Larry Fleet and behind the scenes perspective of being a touring musician.
We also get the inside information on how the crazy legs persona is helping him grow his personal brand. Crazy legs tells us about his favorite gear that includes PRS Paul Reed Smith guitars and basses. He reveals the secret to his country-soul-smooth and funky sound with (DNA Amps) David Nordschow Amplification.
Eric "Crazy Legs" Harley-Brown is a down to earth guy living out his dream and we are so grateful that he let us get the behind the scenes look at how he is putting his personal crazy-legs-country-soul mark along side Larry Fleet on the Nashville music industry.
Contact us at: Twolikeableguys@gmail.com
#fun #success #EricHarleyBrown #LarryFleet #EricCrazyLegs #CrazyLegs #Bassist #BassPlayer #StackOfRecords #WhereIFindGod #DavidNordschowAmplification #PRSGuitars #PaulReedSmith #DNAAmps #LaBellaStrings #BigLoudRecords #Ryman #GrandOleOpry #TheDangerousTour #MorganWallen #KevinMills #DamianYounce #ChadMoncier #Nashville #amazingstory #two likeable guys #twolikeableguys #welikeyou #redbank #lakesite #soddydaisy #middlevalley #Chattanooga #Hixson #dadjokes #redbankalumni #tennessee #2likeableguys #awardnominated #viewerschoice #finalist #motivational #motivation #success

Wednesday Feb 16, 2022
The Miracle at Fall Creek Falls
Wednesday Feb 16, 2022
Wednesday Feb 16, 2022
Today we talk to Timothy M. Brown Jr the author of God Still Speaks: The Miracle At Fall Creek Falls and his wife Tiffany Renee Brown about the life altering events of a weekend getaway to Fall Creek Falls in 2010.
The book description below is what we discuss in depth with Timothy and Tiffany Brown: When a terrifying accident nearly takes the life of two-year-old Caleb, the very foundation of a middle class family’s faith in God is rocked. As they struggle to come to terms with the endless road ahead of hospitalizations, incomprehensible medical costs, and the daily demands of Caleb’s constant home-based supervision and therapy while trying to raise two other small children, they fight to hold their family together, trying desperately to make sense of events out of their control.
Only when they re-establish their faith in God, with the help of family, friends, the power of the Internet, and countless strangers around the world praying for their son, and see the power of prayer manifest in Caleb’s miraculous progress, do they begin to see God’s plan for a brighter tomorrow. As they explore God’s possible intent and His unmistakable activity in their lives, they experience some stunning revelations, ultimately recognizing that God speaks—even today through dreams, visions, and miracles—and many other surprising ways, and that love—love of God and love of one another—really does conquer all.
Thank you so much Timothy & Tiffany for sharing this heartwrenching to heartwarming story. We wish your family continued health, love, and Blessings.
You can reach out to Timothy M Brown Jr on Facebook here:
Contact us at: Twolikeableguys@gmail.com
#fun #success #amazing #perspective #TimothyMBrownJr #TiffanyReneeBrown #CalebBrown #FallCreekFalls #GodStillSpeaks #headinjury #lifeflight #prayer #GodsFingerprints #TCThompsonsChildrensHospital #Miracle #Miracles #recovery #love #amazingstory #two likeable guys #twolikeableguys #welikeyou #redbank #lakesite #soddydaisy #middlevalley #Chattanooga #Hixson #delicious #bandcamp #dadjokes #redbankalumni
#tennessee #2likeableguys #awardnominated #viewerschoice #finalist #motivational #motivation

Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Elizabeth‘s Journey To Jeopardy
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
We are back with an amazing story of how Mrs. Elizabeth (Beth) Kitts got chosen to be a contestant on the iconic game show Jeopardy.
We start out by discussing how Steven and Beth became friends when they worked together while both were attending different colleges.
Next we discuss the amazing journey of online tests, a trip to the regional auditions and how Beth made a memorable impression with her original witty style.
She tells of the wait and excitement of getting the call that she has been selected to film an episode of Jeopardy with the legendary Alex Trebek.
My favorite part are the tips and suggestions on how you can be more favorable to becoming a contestant on Jeopardy.
Listen to this awesome episode to found out how Beth faired against some of the greatest minds and what she learned on the iconic game show Jeopardy!
Contact us at: Twolikeableguys@gmail.com
#fun #success #amazing #perspective #ElizabethKitts #Jeopardy #AlexTrebec #GameSpot #howtogetonJeopardy #JeopardywithAlexTrebec #two likeable guys #twolikeableguys #welikeyou #redbank #lakesite #soddydaisy #middlevalley #Chattanooga #Hixson #delicious #bandcamp #dadjokes #redbankalumni
#tennessee #2likeableguys #awardnominated #viewerschoice #finalist #motivational #motivation

Saturday May 29, 2021
Deliciousness @ Armando's at Chester Frost ; Anthony Johnston
Saturday May 29, 2021
Saturday May 29, 2021
Two Likeable Guys Podcast
Episode 0019.
You're going to enjoy this interview with another fellow Red Bank High alumni and business owner Anthony Johnston owner of Armando's Restaurant at Chester Frost. We discuss his success how he changed his hours starting serving breakfast and got to spend a little more time with his family.
Our favorite part of this episode is getting discuss big delicious hamburgers, a unique salad option, pancakes, gravy, and ice cream. You will love his menu, pick up, and delivery options!
Armando's at Chester Frost is only open until 2 but you can get breakfast and lunch at all open hours!
We really believe you will enjoy this great American success story that started in Hixson,Tennessee.
Thank you all for making Two Likeable Guys a finalist in the WDEF.com Viewer's Choice Awards for best local podcaster.
Contact us at: Twolikeableguys@gmail.com
#fun #success #amazing #perspective #anthonyjohnston #armandos #armando's #Armando'sAtChesterFrost #ChesterFrostPark #hamburgers #two likeable guys #twolikeableguys #welikeyou #redbank #lakesite #soddydaisy #middlevalley #Chattanooga #Hixson #delicious #dadjokes #redbankalumni
#tennessee #2likeableguys #awardnominated #viewerschoice #finalist #motivational #motivation
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